Chair: Qinglai Guo @ Tsinghua University, Co-Chair: Hao Zhu @ UT Austin

Energy Internet (EI), a deep combination of energy system and the Internet, is an emerging concept to shape the next-generation energy system. EI is a new energy ecosystem with better interconnection, openness and flexibility, aiming to accommodate deep-penetration clean energies, improve energy efficiency, and create a novel sharing economy to reduce the cost of energy assumption significantly. The following is a list of topics that we propose as the scope of this SIG:

  • Modeling, simulation and design of EI
  • Planning, operation and control of EI
  • Emerging key facilities of EI, such as energy router, energy Hub, energy storage, electrical vehicles, wireless energy transfer, DC networks, plug-and-play technologies.
  • Enable techniques on information and communication for EI, such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of things and blockchain.
  • Business model, market and corresponding energy policies for EI
  • Demonstrations of EI